Thursday 29 December 2011

Day Seventy Three

My apologies for having not posted regularly.
If i'm honest, not keeping the blog has meant that my goals haven't been monitored, meaning less results.
Now I have just over a month to get in shape, properly.

Having spoken to a friend i've learnt that the below exercises, while good, are more about muscle endurance rather than muscle building. I think it is good to have a balance of the two. But in the meantime, for the sake of getting in shape in the next month, I will be isolating my muscles and exercising accordingly.

See below the programme I set out. 4 sets of each exercise. As you can see I could not complete it. At the end of the below, I could not even do one push up, no matter how hard I tried. Each set was to failure, so it was the most I could possibly do.

My arms feel tight, and well worked now. so I will be doing this, alternated with core and abs over the next month.

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