Wednesday 30 November 2011

Wikipedia Bodyweight Exercises

Here is a good list of bodyweight exercises for all different levels, taken from Wikipedia.

NameMuscle groupsDescription
DipArms (triceps), chest,backHanging from a dip bar or other implement with the arms straight and the shoulders positioned above the hands, the body is lowered until the arms are bent at a 90 degrees angle.
BridgeBack (deep spinal muscles), flexibility, arms (triceps), upper legsThe person will begin in a sit up position with the hands positioned by the ears, palms down, fingers facing the legs. The person pushes up with the arms and the back muscles until the body resembles a lowercase 'n'. The spine must be convex and the limbs straight. The exercise can be made harder by entering the bridge from a standing position (bending the back backwards in a controlled manner into the bridge.)
/ Push-up
Chest, arms (triceps),shouldersIn a prone position, the body is raised and lowered using the arms while the back remains straight and the toes remain on the ground. The exercise can be made more difficult by placing the legs at an incline. Thus, the upper body must support more weight. The exercise can be made even more difficult by performing it with a single arm. Notable variations include the Hindu pushup (dand), the divebomber pushup, and the diamond pushup.
Handstand push-upShoulders, triceps, trapeziusThe body is positioned in a handstand, is lowered and pushed up.
PlancheFull BodyHolding one's body in the air, in a line parallel to and facing the floor through balancing one's entire bodyweight on both hands with straight arms.
PlankCore (abdominals, back and shoulders)Lying on the stomach and lifting the body by keeping the toes and forearms on the ground.
Pull upBack with emphasis on latissimus dorsi, forearm,biceps, rear deltoid, trapezius, erector spinae, abdominals.Hanging from a bar with arms extended and palms facing away from the exerciser, the body is pulled up until the elbows are bent and the head is higher than the hands.
Chin-upBack, arms (biceps)Like the pull-up, but with the palms facing towards the exerciser. The closer the hands, the more the emphasis on the biceps.
CrunchAbdomenLying face up on the floor, the shoulders are curled towards the pelvis while the lower back remains flat against the floor. Focus is put on contracting the abdominal muscles.
Sit-upAbdomen, hip flexorsIt begins with lying with the back on the floor, typically with the knees bent in an attempt to reduce stress on the back muscles and spine, and then elevating both the upper and lower vertebrae from the floor until everything superior to the buttocks is not touching the ground.
Russian twistAbdomen|ObliquesSitting on the floor with knees bent as in a sit-up, with the back kept straight and at a 45 degree angle to the floor, the straightened arms are held outstretched with the hands locked together. The arms are moved from one side of the body to another in a twisting motion.
SquatLegsStanding up, the legs are bent at the knees and hips, lowering the torso between the legs. The torso leans forward to maintain balance. (Usually called abodyweight squat to distinguish it from the use of weights.) The single leg squat, or "pistol squat", can be used to make the exercise significantly harder as it requires one to have a great deal of balance, flexibility, and strength.
HyperextensionLower back, erector spinaeLying face down on the floor, the torso and arms are lifted up at the same time.
L seatAbdomen|Obliques, arms (triceps)The person will sit in an L position with the legs straight and parallel to the ground and the upper body perpendicular to the ground. The hands are placed beside the glutes. The hands then push the entire body upwards off the ground. The legs must remain off the ground and parallel to the ground. The exercise taxes the muscles through isometric tension.
Human flagAbdomen|Obliques, full bodyThe person will grab a vertical object such as a pole or tree trunk, with both hands palms pronated. The practitioner will lift the entire body using the abdominal muscles into a position parallel to the ground.
Calf raisesCalf muscleStanding calf raises are executed with one or both feet on a raised surface with the heel lower than the toes. The exercise is performed by raising the heel as far as possible. The exercise can be made harder by performing the exercise on one leg.
Leg raisesAbdomen, hip flexorsLie on the floor on your back. Keep the lower back in contact with the floor and place hands to sides or under lower back for support. Lift legs upward as far as possible. Lower down to starting position slowly and with control. Make sure the back stays flat on floor and that the abdominal muscles are tight. The exercise can be made significantly harder by performing the exercises from a hanging apparatus, such as a pull up bar, and lifting the legs upwards until parallel with the ground. The exercise can further be increased in difficulty by lifting the legs to the utmost vertical position (to the head).


Day Forty Four

I woke up with no energy, and was reluctant to go out.
The weather was sunny and reports said it will rain tomorrow so I decided to brave it.

I ate some granola, and 30 minutes later I hit the streets.

5 minute run to the park.
15 horizontal pull ups
25 dips on the parallel bars
2 sets of 10 horizontal pull ups (hands under for biceps) with one foot on ground for static quads.
10 leg raises
Run to the pull up bar - 5 chin ups
5 more leg raises.

At this point I just felt like I had no energy. I will have to go harder tomorrow.

5 Minute run home.

Complete workout time - 20 minutes

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Days 19 to 43!

Gosh! so all this time and I haven't been posting.
There has been trips to france, injuries, illness and bouts of laziness.
One thing however that has made a profound impact in my diet.
I have cut out Bread, Pasta and in most cases... Beer!
In addition to this I am eating much more protein, chicken, fish and snacking on nuts.
I have also picked up some new exercises and increased my time and reps in my work out.
Keep posted for more an update on my workout, and new photos.


Friday 4 November 2011

Day Eighteen

Today was the first day I could wake up thinking that I could do exercise again.
I rolled out of bed and did
40 push ups
A further 25 push ups
70 crunches
25 push ups
30 crunches
10 push ups.

100 of each.
Shower, and then scrambled eggs with a strong coffee.

Day Seventeen

Today I went to the doctors. I was told that I was getting better. I went to work and then rested. No Exercise today

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Day Sixteen

I have been advised not to exercise if I want to get better.
I may sneak in a couple of situps and pushups just so I don't revert to my haggis like figure during this time....

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Day Fifteen

So, today i'm feeling weak and taxed. I walked to the park and took some photos instead.
25 dips
5 pull ups
10 horizontal pull ups
20 1 leg pull ups

Below is a picture I took on 27th of October.
Slight improvement, but still a long way to go...

Days Twelve Thirteen and Fourteen

So, recovering, and then drinking again, then working and then Birthday celebrations, then recovery, then Sick! gosh, such an unhealthy weekend, and no exercise done.