Saturday 29 October 2011

Day Eleven

Rest Day

Work, and then Concert... many a units of alcohol were consumed.

Day Ten

This day was focussed more on Cardio - not too intensive, and it was raining.

40 push ups
50 sit ups
10 minute run
12 pull ups
1 set of Plyometrics
5 minutes running
30 Push ups
10 Horizontal Pull ups
15 squats
5 minutes running

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Day Nine

Rest Day.
It is raining outside, but i've decided to give myself a healthy rest day before cracking into it again tomorrow - rain or shine.

In the meantime, here are some pictures I got from of Victoria Park where I work out. Body weight training as they say.

You may be able to see the hurdles in the distance. I will photograph these again for you soon.
Along with progress shots of my sozzy physique.

Day Eight

This is for Yesterday, so i'm sorry for the late post.
For some reason this day was even harder than the monday. I'm thinking I may need to give myself more time to rest. My work out was as follows

5 minute run
10 pull ups
1 set of Plyo (this is getting much easier now)
40 sit ups/ crunches (variations)
30 push ups
15 lunges
15 dips
10 abdominal knee raises
10 1 leg, horizontal pull ups (1 leg on the ground, one held up - underneath the parallel bars.
400 metre run
30 sit ups
20 push ups

Obviously this is a bit of a more tame work out, partly because I left my list of exercises behind.
I went home and ate plenty of veges and two eggs.

Thai Green Chicken in the evening, and a couple of beers.

Monday 24 October 2011

Day Seven

5 minute run
10 pull ups
1 set of Plyo
40 sit ups
25 push ups
15 lunges per leg
10 horizontal pull ups
10 abdominal knee raises
400 metre run
20 1 leg horizontal pull ups
15 dips
10 abdominal straight leg raises.
15 sit ups
Rolled over and couldn't move.
Ran/jogged/hobbled home

Day Six

Rugby World Cup Final New Zealand Vs France.
If there were a marathon I was part of today, it was a drinking one.
Exercise? 1 arm wrestle against a Scottish Man. I lost, my arm hurts.

Saturday 22 October 2011

Day Five


In fact I had to work a 14 hour day, so be it.

Friday 21 October 2011

Day Four

Today I decided to plan my routine. During my exercise I thought it may have been a bit ambitious, and the after results were painful. But I got through it.
This was done is extremely quick succession, 1 after another with no breaks. It took me a total of 26 minutes to get through it all.

5 minutes run
10 pull ups
Plyometrics - 1 set - up and down three hurdles and leaping from one to the next
40 sit ups
20 push ups
15 lunges - both legs
10 horizontal pull ups on the parallel bars - legs hooked on bars so hanging upside down
400 metre run around the track
1 leg horizontal pull ups - 10 on each leg
10 dips on the parallel bars
10 abdominal knee raises on the parallel bars
Plyometrics - 1 set
40 sit ups
20 push ups
400 metre run around the track
10 dips leaning forward on the parallel bars - this was so hard, it took me three attempts to squeeze out 10
10 abdominal straight leg raises


Saturday - I have to work all day - so I count it as a Rest Day. I think my arms and abs need it!

Thursday 20 October 2011

Day Three

Usually before I go to ghetto gym I have a small amount of cereal and oats, and a coffee, and then wait for an hour before going for it.
Today however I tried just getting out of bed and busting my balls at the park without any food in my belly. It did mean far less energy, I was worn out much quicker and the run there (only 5-6 mins) wasn't as easy as usual.

I only did one circuit
(I will try to get pictures for you soon so you can see what I am up to)

Ten one legged horizontal pull ups - both legs (one leg on the ground at right angle holding the other one straight - this works the quads and the arms)
Plyometrics - 6 hurdle jumps and 6 leaps
Situps - 60
Push ups - 25
Dips (leaning forward) - 10 (leaning forward was much harder and worked the front of my shoulders)
Parallel Bars - Abdominal Knee Raises
Parallel Bars - Abdominal Leg Raises (straight legs)
Lunges - 14 per leg
6 minute run home

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Day two

Following several beers last night, I had to push it a little bit further today.
I did two circuits in quick succession.
Each consisted of
5 minutes running,
10 dips,
ten horizontal pull ups,
10 lunges,
30 sit ups,
30 push ups,
one set of Plyometrics. (there are 3 hurdles, I do a standing two legged jump onto the first one, jump down, onto both legs, leap to the next hurdle in one jump, then jump onto the second hurdle, and continue to the end both ways) This is supposed to build core strength, and trust me, when I do this I can barely jump a the end of it.

Then 5 minute run home. I then ate some grilled chicken with brocolli and tomato.
Further 80 push ups, and 80 sit ups during the day.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

First Post

After a few days off due to a bruised foot, sprained wrist, and a bout of Bronchitis I took to the ghetto gym again. The header picture was taken after my workout.
I took it very easy, due to all reports saying to take it easy if you are having chest complications.
5 minute run
10 pull ups - 5, 3 then 2
sit ups - 35
Parallel bars - 10 dips
Parallel bars - 10 horizontal pull ups (this is the first time I have tried it with my feet hooked around the bars, so i was truely horizontal)
Parallel bars - 10 horizontal pull ups with my feet on the ground
Parallel bars - 10 abdominal knee raises
5 minute run home

After resting - further 70 sit ups (varied), 105 sit ups (three sets of 35)

I should have really had a healthy meal after the work out, instead I took photos and wrote on my blog... hmmm