Wednesday 19 October 2011

Day two

Following several beers last night, I had to push it a little bit further today.
I did two circuits in quick succession.
Each consisted of
5 minutes running,
10 dips,
ten horizontal pull ups,
10 lunges,
30 sit ups,
30 push ups,
one set of Plyometrics. (there are 3 hurdles, I do a standing two legged jump onto the first one, jump down, onto both legs, leap to the next hurdle in one jump, then jump onto the second hurdle, and continue to the end both ways) This is supposed to build core strength, and trust me, when I do this I can barely jump a the end of it.

Then 5 minute run home. I then ate some grilled chicken with brocolli and tomato.
Further 80 push ups, and 80 sit ups during the day.

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